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Circus Forum: Cabot Norton of BBDO

Tagged as BBDO, BBDO Atlanta, Cabot Norton, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus, Circus Forum, creative director, Executive Creative Director,

Have you noticed a trend with our speakers lately? A lot of them have close ties to the Circus, including having been students once themselves. This trend holds true with this week’s Circus Forum speaker, Cabot Norton. Following graduation, Cabot began what has developed into a career-long relationship with BBDO. He now serves as SVP/Executive Creative Director at BBDO Atlanta. Here’s a little more on what he’s working on now:

“I came to BBDO in the dual role of (traditional) Creative Director and Head of Digital. It was, granted, a unique position but one that made sense considering my background and the need for the agency to bring digital more into the creative fold. And we have managed to make enormous gains in terms of becoming a more digitally-minded agency, with rich media, site builds and social initiatives becoming a huge part of what we now do. But I’m equally as proud of some of the more “traditional” successes we’ve had (the Embassy Suites TV/Print campaign being a great example). Mostly I’m proud of the way that our teams have embraced digital as just another vital part of the creative package, the whole of which needs to be great.”

Cabot Norton of BBDO Atlanta will take the stage in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, February 8 at 1:30PM.

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