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Creative Technologists are the secret wizards that make our digital world turn. Digital advertising, marketing, websites, games, apps– anywhere that technology enables creative, exciting, enticing digital experiences, Creative Technologists are there, putting it together. That means a Creative Technologist needs to be part creative artist, part computer geek, part marketing strategist.

Program Description

The Creative Technology program at the Creative Circus challenges students to mix technology, code, design, and marketing strategy to make creative work for the modern world. The program teaches programming languages and logic, UX and UI design, creative use of technology, and the daily processes required to produce engaging and innovative interactive media.

Upon graduation, a student will have developed the skills to create a variety of original, compelling brand communications. They will show off those skills with an impressive portfolio, which will enable them to compete for, and secure a job in the commercial communication arts field.

Among the creative skills you will learn in this program are:

Among the technical skills you will learn in this program are:

What does a Creative Technologist Do?

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Here’s a small sample of the classes you’ll take as a Creative Technology student.

Students learn to develop a creative strategy based on business principles, research, budgets, the competition, brand promises, messaging, and focused demographic (or psychographic) analyses.

Web Development
HTML and CSS, the primary tools needed to build impressive web apps and user experiences.

User Experience
Incorporates principles from Information Architecture and focuses on how the design and design principles affect the user’s ability to experience interactive content and projects.

From basic core fundamental programming logic, all the way to best practices, structures, and techniques of functional, prototypal, and class-based programming in modern ES6.

Interactive Design
These course introduces students to the concepts and best standards behind designing interfaces for interactive user experiences. The course will focus on interface terminology, application of color theory and typography for screen displays, grid systems, fluid layouts, usable navigation systems, and effectively communicate design decisions that solve user goals.

Web Animation
This class covers the various techniques for enriching websites with animation, from GIF to the latest CSS and Javascript animation libraries

Motion Graphics
Students learn the fundamentals of using Adobe After Effects and Maxon Cinema 4D for animation, 3D modeling, and motion graphics.

Game Development
This team class puts designers, creative technologists, and sometimes other students together to make a video game. Technologists learn C# in the Unity Game Engine. Everyone learn how to design games, and prep assets for use in a game engine.

Creative Technology Teams
These teams classes put Creative Technology students with advertising and design students to create marketing “stunts” for brands who need to stand out from their competition.

Experiential Technology
These courses explore microcomputers, sensors, and the programming that makes them work together.

Open House – January 29th

Are you curious about what Creative Technologists actually do? What exactly goes on at portfolio school? And why is The Creative Circus named that and will your family and friends think you’re in clown school? Answers to these burning questions and more await. Join us on January 29th at 10 AM for an Open House event.


Graduation Requirements

To graduate from The Creative Circus, a Creative Technology student’s final portfolio must show proficiency in strategic thinking, conceptual interpretation, and creative execution. The work in the portfolio should also show a range of creative solutions, audiences, types of media, and voices. Prior to graduation, every student creates a personal identity package, a résumé, and a website.

Career Services

During the final quarter, students meet with the Director of Career Services to discuss career goals and objectives. Graduating Creative Technology students also work with an industry professional on personal presentation skills that will benefit them during interviews or presentations to a client. Graduates have access to our alumni listings, agency contacts, portfolio reviews and direct personal assistance from the Director of Career Services, whose services alumni can continue to use the throughout their career.



Student Work

Program Director

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