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Circus Forum: Laurent Simon

Tagged as adam&eve DDB, Aidan McClure, art director, Circus Forum, creative director, ddb, forum, integrated campaign, Laurent Simon,

Our forum speakers typically hail from a location stateside, but, as we know, incredible creative work comes from all over the world. That’s why we’re especially grateful to have Laurent Simon of adam&eve DDB join us at Forum this Friday.

Originally from France, Simon now calls London home. Throughout his career, he has received praise from many agency greats, making him one of the most sought after creatives in the industry. Simon has earned over 50 awards, thus establishing him as the most awarded French art director in the world.

“Who Killed Deon?” an integrated campaign created by Simon and his creative partner at adam&eve DDB, Aidan McClure, is one of their winningest pieces to date. Take a look at the case study below:

Laurent Simon will be speaking at Circus Forum this Friday, February 22nd, at 1:30pm in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre.

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