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Forum: Pereira & O’Dell’s Apaliski and @thekoogs

Tagged as @thekoogs, #CircusForum, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Creative, creative director, creative recruiter, forum, Jason Apaliski, live-tweeting, Pereira & O’Dell, Rafi Kugler, tweet, Twitter,

This Friday’s Forum will feature not one, but two creative minds from Pereira & O’Dell. Rafi Kugler, senior creative recruiter, and Jason Apaliski, creative director, will make their way from San Francisco to join us in the theatre this Friday.

Although there won’t be any live-tweeting this week, Twitter will still play an important role in this week’s #CircusForum. If you have any questions you want to ask either of our guests from Pereira & O’Dell, tweet them with the hashtag #CircusForum to @thekoogs – Kugler’s Twitter account – and the duo will answer them at the end of Friday’s Forum. Once again, this is how this week’s Forum will work:

  1. Tweet @thekoogs your questions before Friday’s Forum. Use the hashtag #CircusForum in the tweet.
  2. Be really clever in less than 140 characters.
  3. Join Rafi and Jason at #CircusForum Friday starting at 1:30pm.
  4. Hear them answer your Twitter questions live.

That’s it. Have any questions about this? Just ask. Have any questions for Jason and Rafi? Well, you know what to do.

Rafi Kugler and Jason Apaliski of Pereira & O’Dell take the stage in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, March 8th, starting at 1:30pm.

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