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Forum: MUHTAYZIK|HOFFER’s Diko Daghlian

Tagged as #CircusForum, advertising, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus Forum, creative director, Diko Daghlian, forum speakers, MUHTAYZIK HOFFER, panel,

24-hour period is in full force. Classes are almost over. Panel is right around the corner – as is the end of the quarter.

Before we bid winter adieu, we have one final #CircusForum that’s taking place at the end of this week. We’ve had some incredible forum speakers these past couple months, and we’re bringing in another heavy-hitter in advertising to round out the winter quarter group. This Friday, Diko Daghlian, creative director of MUHŸTAYŸZIK|HOFŸFER, will be joining us to speak at Circus Forum.

So grab a seat in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre before Circus Forum kicks off at 1:30pm. Be sure to listen closely, take a photo or ten, and be sure to ask Diko a lot of questions. He’s ready for ’em.

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