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UPDATE: Prentice Howe Will Speak at Circus Forum This Friday

Tagged as advertising, agency, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus Forum, creative director, doner, Doner Agency, live-tweeting, Prentice Howe, rob strasberg,

Prentice Howe | Creative Director | Doner

Due to circumstances beyond his control, Rob Strasberg will not be able to make it to Circus Forum this Friday. However, we are happy to report that the show will go on! Rob will be sending one of his top creative directors, Prentice Howe, to be our guest speaker at Circus Forum. Get to know a little more about Prentice below:

Prentice came to Doner by way of Austin, Texas where he was SVP and Executive Creative Director of independent ad agency Door Number 3. Prior to Austin he worked in Los Angeles and Dallas, with childhood stints in San Antonio and Massachusetts. He’s a Red Sox fan, a Mexican food enthusiast, a craft beer sponge and the former lead guitarist of a crappy country band you’ve never heard of before. Prentice has a BA in Advertising from Southern Methodist University but would much rather cheer for the Texas Longhorns. While in Austin, he covered SXSW Interactive for Entrepreneur magazine and was a contributing writer for Sports Business Journal on the topic of pro sports marketing. He and his wife, Natalie, have two daughters, Cameron, 4, and Mars, 3. They’re happy to be in Michigan but quite sad about the lack of breakfast tacos.

Circus Forum with Prentice Howe of Doner Agency takes place at 1:30PM in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, May 3. As always, you can follow our live-tweeting of the event starting just before our speaker takes the stage.

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