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Circus Forum: Mike Lear of The Martin Agency

Tagged as Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus Forum, creative director, live-tweeting, Mike Lear, The Creative Circus, The Martin Agency, VP,

Our last Circus Forum of the quarter takes place this Friday, and we couldn’t be happier to have Mike Lear, VP/Creative Director of The Martin Agency, join us this week.

To give you an idea of the industry experience Mike will bring to the podium, take a look at his bio:

Mike has had the good fortune to work under some of our industry’s greatest teachers. With four very formative years working under Luke Sullivan at WestWayne (now 22squared) in Atlanta, Mike’s raw talent was nurtured into a national, award-winning ability.

Mike went on to spend two years directly under Alex Bogusky at Crispin Porter + Bogusky in Miami. This was pre-Boulder, a time when there were only about 25 creatives at CPB. Mike produced groundbreaking work for MINI, Truth, IKEA, Virgin-Atlantic, Google, Molson, Bell and Shimano.

Mike was then hired by Mike Hughes at The Martin Agency where he currently works directly under Joe Alexander on Mentos, GEICO, The American Cancer Society, Nespresso, The Smithsonian and Stijl Cycles.

Mike also moonlighted as a teacher at The Creative Circus in Atlanta for three years, and taught an Advanced Concepts class at VCU’s Brandcenter for two years.

Mike’s work has been awarded in all major award shows, but he is most proud of winning one of the first One Show Pencils created for digital work for the MINI Cooper Robot Campaign.

Mike Lear of The Martin Agency will take the stage in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, June 7th, at 1:30PM. If you can’t join us for Circus Forum in person, be sure to follow our live-tweeting during the event. 

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