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Circus Forum: David Perez of Venables Bell & Partners

Tagged as #CircusForum, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus Forum, creative recruiter, David Perez, Leo Burnett Worldwide, Summer Circus Forum, VBP, Venables Bells & Partners,

Summer Circus Forum comes to a close this week. To round out the advertising industry pros we’ve hosted at school this summer, we’re happy to share that David Perez, Creative Recruiter at Venables Bell, will be our last speaker of the quarter. Take a look at David’s bio below:

David Perez is the agency recruiter at Venables, overseeing talent for the entire VB&P organization. David started his career at Leo Burnett Worldwide curating creative talent for Chicago, NYC, and a handful of international offices. David was the center of the internet experiment, David On Demand, and the host of a short lived Twitter fueled video series #askdavid. He is the father of two obese cats, and in his non advertising life is a writer, comic, and all around friend. Donald Trump blocked him on Twitter. You can creep on him here: cargocollective.com/mrperezident

David Perez of Venables Bell & Partners will take the stage in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, August 30th, at 1:30PM. Follow @creative_circus on Twitter and search the hashtag #CircusForum to follow the live-tweeting of the event.

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