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Arnold Visits for First Forum of the Winter Quarter

Tagged as advertising, art direction, Circus Forum, copywriting, creative director, creative recruiter, portfolio school, The Creative Circus,

It’s the second week of the Winter Quarter and we are excited to welcome three guests from Arnold Worldwide for the first Circus Forum of 2014. Pete Johnson– ECD, Sean McBride– GCD and Dawn Camardella– VP Creative Recruiter are taking time away from their Boston, MA office to bring their insights into the industry to our students.

Arnold Worldwide is a global communications company proud to represent a diverse portfolio of clients including Progressive, Jack Daniel’s, Kohler, The Hershey Company, Carnival, and PUR. To quote their manifesto, Arnold is full of “people who love to make stuff.” Not to mention, they happen to be big fans of The Creative Circus (and our grads).

Sean has spent the last five years leading the Progressive Insurance account. During his tenure, Flo the Progressive Girl has been named the #1 brand icon of all time by Entertainment Weekly, and landed on the Madison Avenue Walk of Fame. While at Arnold Sean has also produced award-winning work for Panasonic, Footjoy, Titleist, and Volvo, and penned a Super Bowl spot that Time Magazine gave an “A.”

Before Arnold, Sean worked on national brands like New Balance, Merrill Lynch, TomTom and Nantucket Nectars. His work has been recognized by CA, Effie, Addy, Radio Mercury, WebAwards, Creativity and Hatch. He has a wonderful wife, two young kids, a dusty, half-written master’s thesis on Shakespeare and the worst lawn north of Boston.

Pete, with his creative partner, Wade Devers, lead creative for the Boston office and the development of its talent. Pete joined Arnold Worldwide as senior vice president, group creative director focusing on digital and integrated campaigns.

Pete joined from LBi New York where he helped transform the creative merger of independent agencies such as Icon Nicholson, Syrup, Lost Boys and Special Ops into one digitally focused, integrated creative shop. Prior to his time at LBi, Pete served as creative director at Tribal DDB and before that, senior copywriter at Ogilvy & Mather and McCann Erickson.

Pete Johnson and Sean McBride of Arnold will take the stage in the

Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, January 17th, at 1:30PM.

Follow @creative_circus on Twitter and search #CircusForum to follow the live-tweeting of the event.


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