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Circus Forum: Stan Richards | The Richards Group

Tagged as #CircusForum, advertising, agency, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus, Circus Forum, Creative, creative director, design, live-tweeting, open house, portfolio school, the Circus, The Creative Circus,

Stan Richards

Stan Richards

Mr. Stan Richards is set to take the stage this Friday, February 8th for another installment of #CircusForum.

Stan, Principal and Founder of the Dallas based agency The Richards Group, is a long-time friend of The Circus. Last February, The Richards Group hosted an informative Creative Circus Open House to discuss the importance of our portfolio school in the world of creative advertising.

Founded in 1976, The Richards Group is now the largest independently owned branding agency in the U.S. and has been named “Agency of the Year” by Adweek a total of four times. The Richards Group has a long list of clients including Chick-fil-A, Fruit of the Loom, The Home Depot, Firestone, Ram Trucks, and Pier 1 Imports.  It was The Richards Group that created the Super Bowl XLVII spot that stopped everyone in their tracks last year.

Also acknowledged for his own excellence by Adweek, Stan Richards is a four-time “Top Creative” in the industry. Throughout his long career, Stan has also been named one of The Wall Street Journal’s “Giants of Our Time,” and was elected into the Art Directors Hall of Fame alongside Norman Rockwell, Andy Warhol, and Walt Disney.

We’re kicking off Friday’s festivities at 12:30PM, an hour earlier than usual, so make sure to come early and grab a good seat!

Stan Richards @RichardsGroup will take the stage in the

Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, February 7th, at 12:30PM.

Follow @creative_circus on Twitter and search #CircusForum to follow the live-tweeting of the event.


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