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Student Show Winners Announced!

Tagged as advertising, art director, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, CMYK, copywriting, creatives, design, photography, student show, student work, the Circus, The Creative Circus,

Twice a year, The Creative Circus takes a Friday off from Circus Forum to award our students for their incredible talent. The semi-annual Creative Circus Student Show celebrates student work across all programs of study.

On February 28th, the winners were announced to the student body. Now, they’re available to the public as well. Below you can view the entries that walked away with the top prizes at the latest show, but all entries are available for viewing on the Student Show.

Best in Show: Monopoly, Based on a true story.
Art Director, Byron Wages
Copywriter, Lara Kesler








Best in Design: Weird Fish
Designer, Alex Brubacher





Best in Art Direction:
Art Director, Julie Becker
Copywriter, N’Jeri Nicholson
Copywriter, Spike McClinton

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Best in Copywriting: Swingline Heavy Duty- Push for Greatness
Copywriter, Zack Johnson
Art Director, Dan Rosenberg






Best Image:
Art Director, Gage Young


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