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4A’s Announces GA Lottery Brand Challenge Winners

Tagged as 4A's, advertising, art school, Atlanta, copywriting, creative director, designer, Georgia Lottery, how to be a copywriter, how to be an art director, portfolio school, The Creative Circus,

Atlanta, GA:


Portfolio SchoolIn Atlanta, IAAS partners with many local agencies and this year began partnering with The Creative Circus for a boost in creative input. For Circus students, that means the most realistic team project they’ll be a part of until that first real job. For creatives, this is invaluable—getting to see how account and media decisions are made provides them insight not every creative person has. And the agency folks get a chance to actually take a stab at creative concepting. Every IAAS student gets to flex those brain muscles and pitch to a big name client. 12 students chose to participate in this inaugural year of the partnership between IAAS and The Circus.

This year, The Georgia Lottery Corporation provided the brand challenge to connect the Lottery to Millennials, a generation not particularly motivated by one-in-a-million chances. The four teams will each pitch their final solutions to a panel of ten judges (a collection of clients, agency folks, and expert speakers) on May 13th. With just a few shorts weeks left until that day of judgment, these teams have a lot of work yet to do but one thing is certain: those 12 Circus students are getting the edge on their fellow circus-mates missing out.

Guest blogger, 6th Quarter Copywriter, Nikki Hall

My team was great.  It was great seeing the full agency side of things, because at The Circus you go from concepting to a final campaign in about three weeks and there’s only the research/insights that you or your partner have. Seeing all the account people brought to the table was awesome. They also gave us great strategy insight that we built the creative on. There’s a section of the millennial demographic that already exhibit behaviors that High Frequency lottery players do so we tapped into those people.  We called them Gen Y Thrill Seekers and targeted our creative at them. From very early on Gage (Circus 7th quarter Art Director) had the idea of Play while you Play. The idea was to bring the Georgia Lottery to millennials where they are. All of the creative touched on meeting the millennials at places they were already enjoying themselves. We did seat upgrades at sporting events, pushed Keno at bars, revamped the mobile experience and had activations at music festivals around Georgia with VIP tents.

The other groups focused a lot on the philanthropy aspect of the lottery. Something the GLC is very proud of and millennials also enjoy. With our specific target it didn’t make sense for our campaign to do that. Ultimately, I think that’s what helped us win. We didn’t drastically change the lottery’s messaging, we just spoke to millennials in a way that was honest and about having fun.

Thanks to Georgia Lottery Corporation for presenting the Brand Challenge this year and to BBDO Worldwide for working with us all semester. Another successful IAAS class for the books!

Creative for winning team:
Gas-ScratcherPortfolio SchoolMF_Jackpot_tentPortfolio School

mobile tablet desktop large desktop huge desktop