flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Escape B.E.I.G.E, RSVP for Open House on 9.6.14

Tagged as ad school, advertising, art direction, art school, best art colleges in Atlanta, best art school, best design school, college visits, creative circus, design, modern copywriter, photography, portfolio school, the Circus, The Creative Circus,

B.E.I.G.E. Recruitment Video from B.E.I.G.E. on Vimeo.

Dear Prospective Student,

Your career path is never black and white. But one thing we can say for certain is that jobs in advertising and design are about as fun and colorful as work can possibly be.

But don’t take our word for it. Visit dullwork.biz for a look at a company deeply committed to spreadsheets, busy work and suffocating corporate culture.

And if that doesn’t look appealing, RSVP & join us for our Open House on 9/6/2014 at 10AM and find out how you can turn fun into a career.

Hope to see you then.
Unless BEIGE is your thing
The Creative Circus


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