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Photographer & Circus Grad, Kelly Lewis captures her 9 yr old daughter in amazing series

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Atlanta, GA:   In 2012 Circus photography grad Kelly Lewis  & her husband adopted then 7 year-old Alice.  They’ve taken love, photography, #cosplay, & family to a whole new level with the series, MaliceofAlice.  The beautiful & unconventional relationship the family has established through creative exploration & costumes with Alice as the model is truly inspirational.  While the dialogue surrounding adoption within many families may be discouraged, the Lewis family explains why they’ve chosen to publicly address Alice’s adoption on her blog titled MaliceofAlice.

Here’s a quick excerpt:

When you’ve had six mother figures before the age of seven it’s a pretty big deal when you get adopted into a forever home. It’s life changing in the best possible way. Alice loves sharing her story so that others might get inspired to adopt a child, an older one at that. […] It’s relevant to the portraits we create together because it’s what we do to bond. We didn’t have a natural maternal link – we created one the best way we knew how and it’s stronger than I could have ever imagined.

Follow Alice’s adventures on Facebook at Malice of Alice & be sure to cruise through Kelly’s photography site: http://www.kellyisnice.com/.  The Circus is lucky enough to have  one of her pieces, Marie Antoinette, from the series in the new wing of The Circus now.

This story has recently been covered in BoredPanda, aplus.comLaughingSquid.

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