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#CircusAlumni, Portfolio School Alumni Spotlight

Tagged as ad school, advertising graduate programs, creative career, design school, how to be an art director, portfolio school, The Creative Circus, what is an art director?,

Attending portfolio school, ad school, design school, advertising graduate programs, etc. (whatever you want to call it) isn’t an easy, no brainer path to take. Circus co-founder Norm Grey always thanks parents and families at graduations by saying, “Thank you for letting your loved one attend a place called The Creative Circus. We know that’s a bit hard to swallow at first.” So many people come to The Creative Circus from all over the world to make an investment in themselves and to achieve the main goal: to become a professional creative. We have graduated students for the last 20 years and they are now scattered all over the globe, doing amazing things.

Each Tuesday, we will be highlighting these graduates on our social channels and also having them answer a couple of questions so you can get to know the people that make us who we are.

For our first #CircusAlumni spotlight, we are featuring Kim Kurtz. portfolio school

Kim Kurtz

    • What year did you graduate and from what program? 1996 Art Direction
    • Current title & agency/company name: Founder & Creative Recruiter of Revival Recruiting
    • What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give current or recent grads of Circus?  This is a VERY small business – be nice.
    • Describe what Circus means to you in three words or less: Past. Present. Future.
    • Who pushed you the most while you were in school and why? It’s a tough call between Sylvia and Rob Lawton because both demanded perfection and countless hours. Rob could rip your kerning apart from 20 feet away and Sylvia didn’t have to say a word for her thoughts to be known. Both classes were hand skill based which gave me a true understanding of detail.
    • Describe a monumental, light bulb moment for yourself while you were at Circus: My monumental moment was when I got three job offers at the same time.


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