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Friday Forum – lenspeace

Lennie Gray Mowris - Social Impact Design Strategist at ​lenspeace

#CircusForum The Creative Circus hosts special guests every Friday as part of our Friday Forum Series.

Lennie Gray Mowris – Social Impact Design Strategist at lenspeace

Friday, May 3rd at 1:30 PM

Lennie Gray Mowris,
Magically Disgruntled Manifestor
I am and have been many things: a printmaker, arborist, model, project and business manager, farmer, adventurer, strategist, consultant, and partner. I’m an IBM-trained facilitator, I’ve served two terms as the Design for Good Director for AIGA-ATL, and I’m also a co-author of the Path to Impact—a five-step methodology for sustainable socially responsible design. I love exploring human relationships throughout the various aspects of identity to uncover essential human truths and foster empathy for building inclusive community.

My practice centers on a key philosophy: The unexamined life is not worth living. I believe in the power of design thinking to solve complicated human problems with empathy and I craft this impression throughout my work in the world while surrounding myself with those who also believe we have the collective power to make a difference.

My intentions are to solve problems, prevent unintended consequences, explore human potential, examine identity, and create life-affirming design. I am inspired by masters of their craft, the power of each moment, and the kindness I’ve found in strangers.

Through this space, we attempt to shine a light on what it means to be humans being. We love our work, each other, and making this world just a little bit better. We utilize all methods of communication arts including vintage printmaking and handcrafted branding. The print studio features two vintage presses: a Kluge 12×18 production letterpress, named Fly, and a Vandercook SP-15 proofing press, named Victory. We play with paper, ink, paint, and empathetic ideas to craft communications supporting the environment and a shared humanity. Lennie is the press pusher, but our partners and collaborators play with designing sets, sounds, words, film, code, and paint to bring you a spectrum of creative ideas.


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