flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Virtual Circus Forum – John McNeil Studio

Gerald Lewis - Creative Director

#CircusForum The Creative Circus hosts special guests every Friday as part of our Friday Forum Series. Due to COVID-19, we have transitioned to virtual forum events.

Friday, May 8th at 1:30 PM

Gerald Lewis – Creative Director at John McNeil Studio

I have no idea. No concept of good or bad. It’s part of being curious. I like to start things with no destination. It leads you to the interesting place where ideas, design and execution mix in not-completely-definable-ways.

It’s a wonderful place. The work I admire most lives in those ambiguous places. This meandering path has led me from Ogily to BBH, 72 and Sunny, my own studio (what was I thinking), back to Ogilvy London. Along the way I’ve worked with the likes of Jeff Koons, Paul Rand, The New York Times editorial board, Ralph Steadman, to name-drop a few… a host of people I admire, respect, and love. It’s given me the opportunity to do work that expands beyond the confines of advertising. I’m happy to have been awarded multiple times at Cannes and D&AD, but am more proud that my work is
included in the permanent collection of the V&A, showcased at MOMA, and awarded by American Photography and the Aperture Foundation. Curiosity rewarded.

Guests, to RSVP, please email Hannah Heller (hannah.heller@creativecircus.edu) by Thursday morning. Students – no need to RSVP.

After you RSVP, Hannah will email you the link.

This virtual forum is open to the public (mandatory for students, of course).

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