flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Virtual Circus Forum – Kryptonie

Marie-Chantal Milette - Founder at Kryptonie

#CircusForum The Creative Circus hosts special guests every Friday as part of our Friday Forum Series. Due to COVID-19, we have transitioned to virtual forum events.
Friday, April 16th at 1:30 PM
Marie-Chantal Milette – Founder at Kryptonie
Creative Circus Alum – Graphic Design (2012)

friday forum guest speaker

Growing up, Marie-Chantal Milette wanted to name the colours in paint stores; today she is the founder of Kryptonie and one of few colour experts in the world. Marie-Chantal has a unique design background: not only did she graduate in graphic design from The Creative Circus, but she also had the chance to follow an advanced colour psychology training course with no other than Leatrice Eiseman, Director of the Pantone® Color Institute and world leader in colour psychology and trend prediction.
As one of the few colour and branding experts in Canada, her talent has allowed her to work successfully with clients like make-up giant Guerlain Paris and S&S Activewear, one of the largest promotional apparel distributors in the world for which she helped put together a merchandising strategy that won them the Best Sales Environment Award at the Western Imprint Canada Show in 2017.
However, you may know her as the one who can predict Pantone’s color of the year as she has done so successfully on multiple occasions.
Guests, to RSVP, please email Hannah Heller (hannah.heller@creativecircus.edu) by Friday morning. Students – no need to RSVP.
After you RSVP, Hannah will email you the link.
This virtual forum is open to the public (mandatory for students, of course).
Artwork by: Lena Ghali
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