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Friday Forum – Cameron Day

#CircusForum The Creative Circus host special guests every Friday as a part of our Friday Forum Series.

Friday, February 4th at 1:30 PM

Cameron Day – Author of Chew With Your Mind Open, Copywriter

Why Cameron Wrote Chew With Your Mind Open :

Most people’s parents have nada clue what their spawn is doing in advertising. I was lucky in that regard. I had a father who knew exactly what I was getting myself into. My dad, Guy Day, co-founded Chiat/Day. The quiet partner of the two, he preferred to let the work do the talking. Dad knew all too well what it took to succeed on a high level and the unfortunate tradeoffs many have made to get there. Divorce. Addiction. Damaged personal relationships. Diminished lives outside of the constant grind all in the pursuit of advertising infamy.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

For over twenty years, my dad was my personal mentor and kept me from squandering real opportunities and missing out on living life. He preached balance and disciplined thinking to me from the very beginning. Anytime I was in an ad jam, I called him and he was quick to talk me off the roof, share insights, and offer sage wisdom that enabled me to look past the drama to the only thing that really matters. The work, and making the best of it no matter what.

My dad was my secret weapon and I kept his tutoring to myself, using it judiciously and to benefit to my own career as a writer, creative director, manager, and finally, a mentor. Such was the advantage to an insider who deeply understood the business and the barriers to doing the best work possible. Ironically, much of what my dad pounded into my skull was counter to the “Chiat/Day and Night” ethos his now world-famous ex-agency was built on.

He taught me priorities, and I’m happily married proof that his guidance made a real difference.

Now I want others to have the same advantages I’ve had. Which is why I wrote Chew With Your Mind Open, an Advertising Survival Guide for Creatives. It’s time I spilled the beans that have contributed to a long career and a happy life, two things our business isn’t necessarily well known for providing its creatives particularly as they reach the latter stages of their careers.

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