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Pink Smokes To Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Tagged as breast cancer, pink cigarettes, UCB,

Breast cancer awareness month may be over but we hope you didn’t miss this.

Big Tobacco is joining the fight against breast cancer by rolling out snazzy pink cigarettes, and promising to donate half a cent to the breast-cancer cause for every pack smoked. This humorous parody from the Upright Citizens Brigade takes a shot at modern consumption-as-activism, the companies that exploit it, and possibly the amount of attention breast cancer gets over other forms of cancer. The pregnant woman and the old lady with the voicebox are glorious, and everything else is pretty spot on. So, all in all I’d say UCB has come a long way from the dorky, unfunny Comedy Central show I remember from high school. If they’re looking to make more PSA spoofs, I’d love to see what they’d do with AIDS or domestic violence.

Pink Cigarettes UCBcomedy.com
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