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Would You Buy A Car Without Actually Driving it?

Tagged as advertising, creative circus, live drive, mistubishi,

Well this is pretty stupid. 180LA and B-Reel created a “technological first.” Dubbed the Mitsubishi Live Drive, the companies created a way for people to test drive an Outlander Sport online. Or, “Live over the internet” as they like to say.

So let’s just ponder this for a second. While it might be nice to play with a vehicle online like it was a motorized toy, what idiot would buy a car without physically touching the car and giving it a real world test drive?

This is the sort of work that makes headlines but does nothing for the car buying experience. Apparently the real reason they did it was to get into the Guinness Book of World records. Nice. But again, will this sell any cars?

Courtesy of AdRants.

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