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Circus Grad, Michael Williams and “Montage Me”

Tagged as ANDYs, creative circus, Michael Williams, Montage me,

Not long ago, Michael Williams left The Creative Circus for a position at Leo Burnett.  And recently, he was one of the creators of “Montage Me.” And soon, he will be one of the jurors amongst top industry creatives at the 2011 ANDY Awards.

The ANDYs are proud to announce, along with our partner Victors & Spoils, the launch of the creative concept to promote our annual call for entries.  “Montage Me” stood out among the 1,000 entries submitted to our call for entries challenge for its ability to inspire creatives worldwide to enter their best work to our show by January 7th.

The creators of “Montage Me” are Michael Williams, Copywriter; Jyn Yi, Art Director; and Justin Gilman, Art Director, all from Leo Burnett’s Energy Pool – a recently formed group of international young creatives from the best ad and design schools around the world.  Williams will represent his colleagues by filling the last seat on the prestigious 2011 ANDY Awards Jury.

Check out the winning submission and “Montage” yourself today!

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