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Forum: Rob Strasberg, Doner

Tagged as advertising, creative circus, doner, rob strasberg,

On Friday, April 29th, we are pleased to welcome Rob Strasberg, Co-CEO and Chief Creative officer from Doner.

Driving the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile was Rob’s first job out of college and, since leaving, it’s been his goal to make every job just as fun.

Highlights: He was among the top 10 most awarded creative directors in the world in 2007, one of the 50 most influential men under 38 by Details magazine, and a judge at Cannes, One Show, Art Directors Club and Effies.

During 9 years at Crispin Porter & Bogusky, he helped create and pioneer a new era of digitally integrated advertising on such signature brands as Truth, Burger King, Sprite, Miller Lite, MINI, and VW.
On Jan. 1, 2010, Rob Strasberg became Co-CEO/Chief Creative Officer and took co-ownership of Doner.

His wife’s name is Treger, his son’s name is Henson, his daughter’s name is Tuesday—he’s the only one with a boring name.

“Luck is the residue of hard work.”

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