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Top Ten Employers for Gen Y

Surely you’ve read the recent headlines about how the recession has affected employment prospects for recent and upcoming college grads.  Gone are the days when the ole sheepskin was a guarantee to a great job.  We see it everyday.  Every industry has grown more competitive as they look for ways to parse out the “must have” candidates from the “not even close” applications they get.

A sobering study from Millennial Branding recently listed the Armed Forces, Wal-Mart and Starbucks as the top three employers for FaceBook members aged 18-29.

Meanwhile, below is the top list of Circus employers from the past year:

BBDO Atlanta
Draft FCB
Merkley and Partners
Pereira & O’Dell
Wexley School for Girls

Goes to show you what a great portfolio and some specialized instruction taught by industry pros can get you.

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