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Every Occasion Can Be Awkward With “How Awcard”

Tagged as art direction, Cedrick Bearss, Circus, copywriting, Creative, facebook, grads, greeting cards, How Awcard, Jenny Burrows, students, Tumblr, Twitter,

How-Awcard-Greeting-CardsSometimes it’s difficult to find the right words. Especially when you want to say it in the most awkward, uncomfortable way one can think of.

For those of you looking for a different way to say the same ol’ thing for every occasion, you now have a new greeting card company at your disposal. How Awcard (how fitting) takes a spin on the greeting cards you’re used to and makes them fun and interesting. Essentially, they’re cards that people will not only read but also actually want to keep in their scrapbooks.

How Awcard is the brainchild of two Circus grads, Jenny Burrows and Cedrick Bearss, who now call Birmingham, AL home to their creative business. Having combined their talents back in the Circus days of studying art direction and copywriting, respectively, one might say it was written in the stars that these two would come together for a creative effort such as this. That, or written in the cards.

Follow How Awcard on Twitter and Tumblr, and “like” the page on Facebook to make things even more awkward.

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