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Jesse Ragan

Tagged as Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, design, forum, Jesse Ragan, lettering, The Creative Circus, type, typeface designer, typefaces,

After a week off, the forums recommence this week with Jesse Ragan, a freelance typeface designer based out of New York City.

Take a look at Jesse’s bio for a sneak peek at what he’ll be bringing to the podium this Friday:

Jesse Ragan - Typeface Designer

Jesse Ragan has been designing letterforms for as long as he can remember, dating back to his childhood in North Carolina. He learned from the best how to make them into typefaces: as a student at Rhode Island School of Design, as an intern at Font Bureau, and as a full-time designer at Hoefler & Frere-Jones. Since 2005, Jesse has worked independently in Brooklyn, developing typefaces and lettering for clients including Pentagram and House Industries. Among his many design credits are collaborative contributions to Gotham, Archer, and Omnes. Jesse also teaches typeface design at Type@Cooper, the postgraduate certificate program he co-founded in 2010.

Jesse Ragan will be speaking at the forum this Friday, November 16th in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, 1:30pm-2:30pm. 

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