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Energy BBDO: Aaron Pendleton and Miller Jones

Tagged as #CircusForum, Aaron Pendleton, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus, Creative, creative director, creative directors, Energy BBDO, forum, Friday Forum, grads, Miller Jones, The Creative Circus,

Forum is back this Friday, December 7th, after a two-week hiatus. To make up for lost time, we here at The Circus thought it fitting not to bring you one, but two speakers this week. Introduce yourself to the creative-directing duo leading some of the biggest accounts at Energy BBDO, Aaron Pendleton and Miller Jones, via their joint bio below:

Miller Jones and Aaron Pendleton, Creative Directors of Energy BBDO

Miller Jones (left) and Aaron Pendleton (right).

Aaron Pendleton and Miller Jones are Creative Directors at Energy BBDO in Chicago. They both graduated from the Creative Circus in 2004. Right out of school, they took an internship together at Publicis in Seattle.

After that, Aaron worked as an art director atDDB, Chicago producing award-winning work for brands like Budweiser, Bud Light and Cars.com.  His work has been recognized by Cannes, CLIO, One Show, Andy, the Art Director’s Club, Communication Arts and Radio Mercury.

Miller continued at Publicis, producing award-winning work for T-Mobile, Washington’s Lottery and KEXP. His work has been recognized by his mother, and occasionally his grandmother. (And the ADDYs and Andys and CA and a few others.)

They got the band back together in 2009 at Energy BBDO, teaming up to produce work for the Illinois Lottery, Extra Gum, and Chicago White Sox. This year they became head Creative Directors on Orbit Gum.

Get to know Aaron and Miller and learn about their adventures in advertising when you attend the #CircusForum Friday, December 7th in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre at 1:30PM.

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