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Alumni Spotlight Erin Cribb

Art Director & Creative Lead @ TopRight Partners

#AlumniSpotlight The Creative Circus graduates the most sought after creatives in the industry. Take a moment to read about the lives, careers & personal stories of some of our fantastic alumni.

Erin Cribb – Art Director & Creative Lead at TopRight Partners in Atlanta
Freelance Calligrapher, Hand-Letterer & Designer – Portfolio
Creative Circus Alumna – Art Direction (2011)

alumni spotlight erin cribb

Advice to the Graduating Class:

You just graduated! Wooooohoo! Pop the bubbly! This is going to be among one of the biggest accomplishments of your life. When you start your first job–which you will land with perseverance and patience–remember that while you just ended your schooling on top, you are now very close to the bottom. Be humble. You still have a lot to learn. The first years of your career are the most vital. Utilize everyone at your company and learn all the things–even account people have lessons to teach. Maintain a positive, collaborative, goal-seeking, and receptive attitude–which you already have, of course–and you will go far. The connections you make now will be crucial in your path to an amazing creative career. Go forth!

Advice to the Incoming Class:

Imagine now that you are married to the circus. You made your vows, you signed the metaphorical check and you promised yourself (and maybe many others) that this was what you wanted to do. For better or worse, don’t give up! Just don’t do it. You will sometimes hate yourself. You will sometimes hate your teachers, peers, parents, and your computer, but do not give up. Stay strong, and you will have the happiest creative honeymoon in two years.

What does the Circus mean to you?:

Oh man. That’s a tough question. The circus literally changed my life. I have no idea who, what, or where I would be without going through this program. My teachers pulled talent out of me that I only thought was possible in a miniscule amount. They pushed my boundaries, pissed me off, and made me love them for it. Plus, the network you gain when you leave is incredible.

Describe a monumental, light bulb moment for yourself while you were at The Circus:

The lights were really flickering during my first quarter. Silvia basically told me I sucked and had to start over on my cut-paper poster. I went home, sat on the couch, and cried and cried and cried. I had those thoughts that everyone has. What if I’m not good enough? Did I make a mistake? Should I just give up and become a salesperson? I stayed up all night (the first of 100s of all-nighters) re-cutting that poster until I made something Silvia would be proud of. I realized at that moment the passion and perseverance that I have. Deep down I wanted to succeed so bad, I was going to do whatever it took.

What are you up to now?

I am the creative lead and art director for a small brand-storytelling agency, TopRight Partners, in Atlanta. Branding has become a passion of mine, and my role gives me the ability to combine strategic thinking, design, and branding into one.

I am also starting my own venture for hand-lettering and calligraphy. I discovered my love of typography at Creative Circus (thanks, Ron!) and have decided to make it a side gig. I’ll be at local art shows around town this year, so keep an eye out!


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