flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Alumni Spotlight – Hollis Griffith Callas

Creative Circus Alumni - Designer at Turner Duckworth

Tagged as alumni spotlight,

#AlumniSpotlight The Creative Circus graduates the most sought after creatives in the industry. Take a moment to read about the lives, careers & personal stories of some of our fantastic alumni.

Hollis Griffith Callas – Designer at Turner Duckworth
Creative Circus Alumna – Graphic Design (2016)

hollis griffith callas creative circus

Advice to the Graduating Class:

Once you land that first job, the learning isn’t over. Your first job is just a continuation of your education. Stay humble and don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t know something. No one expects you to have all the answers, but you need to be willing to work hard and try everything you can to find those answers. Passion and persistence go a long way. Be a sponge and soak up everything possible from those around you.

Advice to the Incoming Class:

Accept criticism gracefully and don’t get attached to your ideas. They will be challenged, questioned, prodded, flipped upside down and morphed into something that doesn’t resemble your original idea in the slightest. The more flexible you are, the more opportunity for growth you will have at the Circus and in the future. On a lighter note, stay at the Circus as long as you can! It’s a magical bubble where any idea can come to life. Once you are out in the real world with scary stuff like clients and budgets, things are a little different (still magical.. just in a different way). Savor your time there and the incredible people you meet along the journey.

What do you wish you knew in school?:

I wish I had been more organized from the start. Have a folder for each quarter and label all your work for each class. I spent way too much time looking for files and confusing myself by naming things “Final.ai, Final-Final.ai, FINAL-FOR-REAL.ai…”

What does the Circus mean to you?:

When I first learned about the Circus I was a high school art teacher. I wasn’t being creatively fulfilled in my job and knew I needed something more. At my first Circus open house I was completely in awe of the amazing work adorning the walls. I knew immediately that this was a really special place- beaming with imagination and creativity. Taking out loans and switching my career entirely was a really scary step but I am thankful every single day that I did. To me, the Circus means new beginnings and the opportunity to be creative for a living.

Favorite Project you’ve worked on:

My favorite project since graduating was a passion project where I created a pattern a day for one hundred days. It didn’t go in my book…it wasn’t for a client…it was purely for me. I think its important as a creative to take time for yourself, outside of your paying job, to figure out what makes you tick and brings you joy.


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