flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Alumni Spotlight – Peter Norman

Creative Circus Alum - Interactive Development Full Stack Developer at Creative Mischief

#AlumniSpotlight The Creative Circus graduates the most sought after creatives in the industry. Take a moment to read about the lives, careers & personal stories of some of our fantastic alumni.

Peter Norman
Creative Circus Alumnus – Interactive Development (2017)

Full Stack Developer at Creative Mischief

peter norman creative circus alum

Advice to the graduating class:

I started interviewing at agencies during my final quarter at The Circus. If you are a developer I especially recommend doing this. Technical interviews can fluctuate from place to place so it is good to get a lay of the land ahead of time so you know what to study up on in your free time (If you have free time…Ha!). Stay positive and keep in mind that your skills are in high demand everywhere!

Advice to the Incoming Class:

I saw a portfolio piece at one of the students shows that said: “Pain is just weakness leaving the body.” I assumed that was derived from their experience at The Creative Circus. Yes, this program is painful but its purpose is to take you from a base level creative to a professional creative that agencies want to hire. As long as you keep your nose to the grindstone and trudge forward you WILL BE successful here. Many of your peers may be more naturally gifted than you are, but remember, a strong work ethic always wins the day! (There is a workspace behind the vending machines. If you work in there magical things will transpire!)

What do I wish I knew while at Circus: 

I wish I knew to start building better workflow habits earlier. I spent a lot of time replicating methods that created excess startup time for projects. When I took the time to set up my production environment, my projects went smoother and were finished in enough time to where I could go to bed at a respectable hour.

What does The Circus mean to me:

The Circus is like the Navy Seals program for creative professionals. It weeds out people that aren’t 110% invested from day one. I have been an artist my entire life. After working through this program I can honestly say that I am an artist and know I have earned the right to call myself one. Additionally, I get compensated for being an artist which I didn’t previously so that’s satisfying!



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