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Advertising Graduate Program vs. Portfolio School? How to choose what’s right for you.

Tagged as ad school, advertising, advertising grad schools, advertising graduate programs, advertising graduate schools, advertising masters degree, best design school, choosing a graduate advertising program, commercial photography, how to be a copywriter, how to be an art director, how to choose a portfolio school, portfolio school, the best portfolio school, The Creative Circus,

Choosing an advertising graduate program or a portfolio school is not easy. This is a big choice in anyone’s life and we take that very seriously. Weighing out whether or not you should attend a graduate advertising program vs. a portfolio school can be daunting. If you want to go CREATIVE then you do have some very specific questions you should ask yourself and the schools you are reviewing. We can’t speak for other portfolio schools or grad programs out there, but we can explain to you what Circus does and has been doing for the last 20 years. Below is an excerpt from our FAQ page:

Advertising Gradudate School vs. Portfolio School?

Should you get a Master’s in Advertising or attend portfolio school? Here at the Circus we have the same goal for you as you probably have for yourself. The end goal of going back to school is about getting a JOB. The programs at The Creative Circus are structured to imitate what goes on in the industry and give students hands-on, collaborative experience while building an exceptional, industry-ready portfolio. The portfolio, not a degree or piece of paper, is what recruiters and creative directors are basing their hiring decisions on. Our reputation in the industry, coupled with our unique approach to teaching, makes The Circus name a real benefit to students. The professional skills and killer book that they built while they were here take them the rest of the way. We don’t guarantee placement, but our career placement rate from last year was 98.53%.

Can’t I just do this on my own? Sure. You can certainly try. But we have found that many creatives just won’t push themselves as hard as we do. There is a standard in this industry and we will pull a level of original thought & craft out of you that you may not have ever known existed within yourself.  It’s hard to find mentors and get expert advice on your own. As great as those know-it-all off bloggers are, it isn’t sound advice all of the time. You can do 2 years of work here, now, and speed up what could take you 8-10 years in your career to achieve.

What makes The Circus different? We have 6 full-time faculty & seasoned veterans around you all of the time who have a personal interest in your success. You’re not a number to us & we sincerely want to see every creative reach their full potential. You’ll find that your classmates are passionate, talented, and SUPPORTIVE of you. You’ll have opportunities to work with highly skilled interactive developers, commercial photographers, & designers just like you would in an agency. We’ve been around for a long time (20 years) and have an extremely strong alumni network & family all over the world. On top of all that, we have a great staff who works in this section of education because of their love for creatives & joy in seeing people succeed. Once you’re in the family, you’re in the family. It takes a lot of time, money, energy & drive to make this happen for yourself, but we are all here to help you along the way.

Cruise through our FAQ page to go through more most commonly asked questions. Good luck on your search!!

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