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Another Young Glory gold is won by a Circus team.

Tagged as advertising, agency, art direction, competitions, copywriter, copywriting, creative director, creatives, modern copywriter, portfolio school, The Creative Circus,

Atlanta, Ga- Circus AD, Tyler Deboard & CW, Chase Stevens woke up to some awesome news this morning! Young Glory announced the winners for the February brief & Circus, again, gets to take home the gold.

Why such a big deal? Well, Young Glory is a monthly, worldwide competition that allows students to get their ideas in front of huge industry names every month. Tyler & Chase responded to the February brief that was put out by Graham Douglas, freelance Creative Director & former Creative Director of Droga5.

Read about the other two Circus gold winners from previous Young Glory briefs, as well.

The February brief:

Every year nearly 650,000 people around the world are diagnosed with leukemia or lymphoma. For many of them a bone marrow/stem cell transplant is their last hope. But, sadly, less than half of those people find a match. And if they are a minority that number is even lower. Drastically lower, actually.


Because bone marrow donation is a numbers game, and we’re losing. There aren’t nearly enough people registered to be marrow donors. And I think this is nothing short of completely batshit crazy.

To register as a marrow donor all it takes is a simple, quick, painless cheek swab and you’re added to a huge database of people that could save a life some day. And if enough people register, and the database grows, we can reach a point were anyone in the world will find a marrow transplant. We just need to make it easy and fun.

 Your brief

We need to get swabs in peoples’ mouths. As simple as that.

We don’t want your money.

We don’t want your time.

We don’t want your organs.

We want you to take 10 seconds out of your busy life to rub a couple of swabs on your cheek and fill out a form.

Chase & Tyler’s winning piece:


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