flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

#CreativeWeek & Portfolio Review Recap

Tagged as advertising, art direction, copywriter, copywriting, creative circus, creative recruiter, creative week, design, Don’t Get Me Started, how to be a copywriter, how to be an art director, New York City, the Circus, The Creative Circus, The One Club,

[ezcol_1half]Portfolio SchoolPortfolio School[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Portfolio SchoolPortfolio School[/ezcol_1half_end]

Definition of #CreativeWeek: a time when the top creative community comes out to celebrate & congratulate each other on the past year’s achievement. The One Club’s #CreativeWeek is a time for The Creative Circus to get in on the NYC action, meet with recruiters for our Semi-Annual Portfolio Review at The Art Directors Club, win awards & make moves.  This year’s spring portfolio review was the biggest we’ve ever had with over 60 agencies present to review our 7th & 8th quarter books. We also throw an Alumni Party after the review for generations of Circus grads to reconnect & schmooze. This year the party was the biggest we’ve ever had with alumni reflecting great interest & affection alongside agency recruiters who partied into the wee hours of the morning with Circus. The festivity was held at the Ainsworth in Chelsea & Drake just happened to make an appearance. #nobigdeal

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It was a great week for Advertising dept. head, Dan Balser who got 6 interviews for his famous podcast, Don’t Get Me Started: a podcast about advertising. The Patrick Kelly Scholarship, a top award of The One Club, was given to Circus student Julie Becker along with a bronze pencil awarded to Stephanie Del Rosal, Claire Longfield & Laurie Costarides for their Save the Arts: Living Walls campaign.

It’s a bittersweet trip because after the big spring review we always know that we’ll lose a huge chunk of students to job offers & internships that will lead to full-time positions at top shops in the country. Training & helping students get in the doors of some of the most coveted agencies & firms in the world is what The Circus is all about, but it doesn’t get any easier to see them go. Alright, alright, enough with the sappy stuff.

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