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Johnny Dantonio- Circus Alumni & Super Bowl Ad Extraordinaire

Tagged as #CircusForum, advertising, agency, alumni, anomaly, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus Forum, copywriting, creative circus, creative director, live-tweeting, portfolio school,

Johnny Dantonio

Johnny Dantonio

Atlanta’s Snowpocalypse gave The Circus a few snow days to take a break … and mentally prepare for this week’s #CircusForum speaker. 2011 Circus Grad, Johnny Dantonio, Creative Director at Anomaly in New York City is here today to give insight to Circus students from his prospective just a few years fresh out from under the big top. We could talk for hours about Johnny, so we’ve asked for his intro in his own words:

Johnny Dantonio is, like, really important. He is a multi-fictional-award winning copywriter at Anomaly New York where he writes every word as if it’s his last, partly due to passion, partly because he’s always a step away from being blackballed from the industry. He currently is acting creative director on Bud Light Canada, as well as heading up Naked Turtle Rum, while also doing work on Budweiser, Converse and Dick’s Sporting Goods. Previous to Anomaly, Johnny worked at Wieden + Kennedy Portland and produced work on Nike, Coke, Diet Coke and Target. He graduated from the Creative Circus in Atlanta in 2011, where he first discovered his anxiety for writing auto-biography blurbs in third-person.

Johnny Dantonio @johnnyrealworld will take the stage in the

 Theatre Friday, July 15, at 1:30PM.

Follow @creative_circus on Twitter and search #CircusForum to follow the live-tweeting of the event.


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