flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Bar is set. Time to shine.

Tagged as advertising, design, interactive, photography, portfolio review, The Creative Circus,

Every fall, the Circus plays host to our annual portfolio review, inviting agencies, studios, and creative shops from across the states to potentially find their next rockstar recruits. This past September 2011, over 50 agencies made the journey to Atlanta to peruse the best up and coming talent the Circus has to offer. For our upper quarter students and grads, this is an unparalleled opportunity to unveil their work to top creatives nationwide and to be introduced to prospective employers of shops where they may consider work. Agencies also benefit from the Circus portfolio review, as it not only presents them with cream-of-the-crop creative all under one roof, but it also gives them the exclusive connection to understanding the process of how students are trained for success at the Circus.


The video can also be viewed directly on our youtube channel, here.

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