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#CircusForum Mekanism

Todd Feitlin & Amanda Speer

#CircusForum The Creative Circus hosts special guests every Friday in the Carol Vick Bynum Theater as part of our Friday Forum Series. Special guests include top industry professionals from Ad Agencies, Design Shops, & Top Companies, Circus Alumni & more! 

We’re happy to share that Todd Feitlin, Creative Director at Mekanism, and Amanda Speer, Sr Creative Recruiter atMekanism, will be speaking on October 13th at The Creative Circus.

Todd Feitlin, Creative Director | Mekanism

Amanda Speer, Sr Creative Recruiter | Mekanism

Todd Feitlin

Todd Feitlin Creative Circus

Todd Feitlin is a New York based Creative Director. Over his 14 year advertising life, Todd has worked at some of the most influential agencies in the industry & produced work across all mediums on a variety of iconic brands including Fox Sports, Ikea, Maytag, MillerCoors, Mini, NBA, NFL, Pepsi, Prudential, Twix, & Vitamin Water.

When not at the office, Todd can be found writing what he believes is the next great TV Pilot, working on his golf game, enjoying a glass of bourbon, & spending time with his adorable little girl (not at the same time).

Todd Feitlin & Amanda Speer of Mekanism will take the stage in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre this Friday, October 13th, at 1:30PM. Follow @creative_circus on Twitter and search the hashtag #CircusForum to follow the live-tweeting of the event.

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