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9 (or 16) Rules to Becoming a Creative Person

Tagged as @creative_circus, #CircusForum, Aaron Pendleton, Circus, Creative, creative circus, creatives, Dan Fietsam, Energy BBDO, forum, Miller Jones, MilRon, rules, tweets, Twitter,

The biggest takeaway from the Energy BBDO Friday Forum? Aaron Pendleton and Miller Jones are hysterical.

Aside from the jokes and reminiscing aloud of their days studying at The Circus, Pendleton and Jones also introduced us to their “rules” for any person to be a successful creative. In fact, we were given two sets of rules; one created by Dan Fietsam, CCO at Energy BBDO, and an “updated” version created by MilRon*.

Energy BBDO’s “9 Rules for Becoming a Successful Creative Person”

  1. Be prolific.
  2. Be fast.
  3. Be Cannes-producing.
  4. Be relentless.
  5. Be self-directed.
  6. Be media-fluent and holistic.
  7. Be collaborative.
  8. Gain agency/client trust.
  9. Have that “X” factor.

Aaron and Miller’s “16 Rules for Becoming a Creative Person”

  1. It’s not carrying rocks up a ladder.
  2. There are no small projects.
  3. Be prideful.
  4. Question briefs.
  5. Don’t be an asshole.
  6. Knowing what they want gets you what you want.
  7. Be on time or – gasp – early.
  8. Be a sponge.
  9. Make stuff.
  10. 75% you + 25% everyone else.
  11. Take breaks.
  12. Be irreverent.
  13. Be good at presenting.
  14. Don’t say “like,” like every other like word.
  15. Be nice to the people who make things work.
  16. It’s not over until your grandma sees it.
See more about their presentation by looking through the #CircusForum tweets, and see the @creative_circus live tweets during each Circus Forum.

*MilRon is a nickname that’s followed them for some time. The two are not particularly fans of it. Use it sparingly. 

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