flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Virtual Circus Forum – The Martin Agency

Jonathan Carl - Senior Copywriter

#CircusForum The Creative Circus hosts special guests every Friday as part of our Friday Forum Series. Due to COVID-19, we have transitioned to virtual forum events.

Friday, May 15th at 1:30 PM

Jonathan Carl – Senior Copywriter at The Martin Agency
Creative Circus Alum – Copywriting (2015)

I’m a senior copywriter at The Martin Agency and before that I was at Pereira O’Dell in SF and taught at Miami Ad School and before that I was at the Circus and before that I worked at a PR agency and before that I worked in sports media relations in the NBA, NASCAR and pro tennis and before that I studied news print journalism in undergrad and graduated during the financial crisis, which is kind of like what’s going on right now, minus the whole pandemic thing.

Guests, to RSVP, please email Hannah Heller (hannah.heller@creativecircus.edu) by Thursday morning. Students – no need to RSVP.

After you RSVP, Hannah will email you the link.

This virtual forum is open to the public (mandatory for students, of course).

Artwork by: Vail Prior

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