flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Virtual Circus Forum – Venables Bell & Partners

Elliott & Allie Nordstrom

#CircusForum The Creative Circus hosts special guests every Friday as part of our Friday Forum Series. Due to COVID-19, we have transitioned to virtual forum events.

nordstrom ACD

Friday, November 20th at 1:30 PM

Elliott Nordstrom – Associate Creative Director at Venables Bell & Partners

Allie Nordstrom – Associate Creative Director at Venables Bell & Partners

Elliot is a copywriter from Wisconsin. Allie is an art director from San Diego. They met in the middle, as juniors at a small agency in Denver called Cactus. They became life partners first, and advertising partners later when they moved to Austin to work at McGarrah Jessee. After four years there, the Nordstroms checked another time zone off the list when they moved west to Venables Bell & Partners in San Francisco. Allie and Elliot have made ads for clients such as Reebok, Audi, Chipotle, Yeti, Shiner, SkinnyPop and the Colorado Lottery. But the best thing they’ve made is their one-year-old son, Theo. (Since they’ll be presenting from home, you may even get a chance to meet him.)

Guests, to RSVP, please email Hannah Heller (hannah.heller@creativecircus.edu) by Friday morning. Students – no need to RSVP.

After you RSVP, Hannah will email you the link.

This virtual forum is open to the public (mandatory for students, of course).

Artwork by: Andrew Sellier

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