flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Student Consumer Information

Student Consumer Information-Right To Know


Educational Information

General Institutional Information

Title IX

Coordinator Contact Information
William Caswell
Ancora Education
(817) 369­-8061

Title IX Training

*Note – For Title IX Policy see Campus Catalog, for Title IX Procedure, see Consumer Information Handbook and Annual Security Report

Student Financial Assistance

Health and Safety

Student Outcomes


A hard copy/paper copy of any consumer information documents are available upon request from the campus admissions or academics department.


Definition of Placement

The school uses the Council on Occupational Education (COE) placement rate methodology.  The COE definition of a placement is: a completer of a program who (1) is employed in the field of education pursued or in a related field, or (2) has received the appropriate credential and entered the military or continued his/her education. Valid employment in the field or a related field includes placement in a permanent full- or part-time position with an employer or employment agency, or self-employment in the field of education or a related field.

COE calculates placement rates as follows:

Total Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction / ((Total Completers) –  (Graduate Completers Waiting To Take Licensure Exam + Graduate Completers who are Awaiting Results + Graduate Completers Unavailable for Employment + Graduate Completers Who Refused Employment))

Exemptions are certain categories of students which are excluded from the placement rate calculation. These categories include: pregnancy, other serious health-related issues, caring for ill family members, death, etc.  Exemptions who refused employment are completers for whom the institution has documented evidence that the completers failed to keep interview appointments, enrolled in the program of instruction strictly for personal use, or simply refused an employment offer in the field of instruction.

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