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University of Georgia partners with The Creative Circus

Tagged as advertising, branding, concepting, creative thinking, creativity, Marketing, packaging, Summer at The Circus, summer program, the Circus, The Creative Circus, University of Georgia,

summer at the creative circus

The University of Georgia’s Grady School of Journalism & Mass Communication Department of Advertising and Public Relations has partnered with The Creative Circus to offer the first ever Summer at The Circus. Through this offering, students can earn up to 6 hours of upper-level elective credit offered by the Department of Advertising & Public Relations while studying onsite at The Creative Circus in Atlanta.  During these eight weeks, students will develop and refine skills such as critical thinking, branding, concepting, packaging and marketing, all in the innovative, unconventional approach we take here at The Circus.

“This program is a creativity boot camp, and we are very excited to partner with one of the best portfolio schools in the country to offer students a better creative understanding and skill set,” said Dr. Tom Reichert, Head of the Department of Advertising & Public Relations at UGA. “The program is helping to develop tomorrow’s leaders in creative communication. Even students pursuing an account management track will benefit by honing their skills and gaining a greater appreciation for good creative.”

Dave Haan, executive director of The Creative Circus, is extremely pleased with the partnership. “For years, many of the best students at the Creative Circus have come to us with an advertising major from The University of Georgia” says Haan. “It is an honor and a pleasure to build a partnership with the Advertising and Public Relations Department at UGA. We believe that it will strengthen both schools and put us both in better positions to turn out well-trained advertising professionals.”

Classes have started for this summer, but we expect to take applications for Summer 2014 this upcoming fall.

Have any questions? Email Kathryn Harmon. She’s happy to help.

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