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“My First Time – W”

Tagged as advertising, book, business, forum, Jeanie Caggiano, lessons, Marisa Gallagher, My First Time - W, nancy vonk, Phil Growick, stories, What Women Want and How They Got It,

How did we manage to get a group of extremely talented women in advertising to come to The Circus? You can thank our moderator, Phil Growick, for recruiting our “What Women Want and How They Got It” all-star panel.

Growick’s newest book My First Time – W chronicles the stories of our panelists and several other women, specifically as to how they got their start in the advertising business. The stories are told directly from their mouths – their words, their perspective, their insight.

We’ve pulled together a few of our favorite highlights the panelists provided for the book. Read these snippets below, and read even more stories by getting your own copy of My First Time – W at this Friday’s forum, available for $15.


“My first project made me feel like a fraud, but almost unknowingly, I’ve spent more than 10 years proving those first feelings wrong and pushing to turn out work that I feel deeply proud of and blessed to produce.”

– Marisa Gallagher


“On a whim, I took an advertising class. It was like the heavens opened up and a light shone down on me and a voice said, ‘This, stupid! This is what you were born to do!’”

– Jeanie Caggiano


“You will learn valuable lessons anywhere. If you don’t shoot to the ad stratosphere in record time, or anytime soon, fret not. By all means, knock on the doors where you’d kill to work. But when those very few dream openings go to others, believe me, there is reason to go on living.”

– Nancy Vonk

“What Women Want and How They Got It: A Forum of Advertising’s Top Women” begins at 10AM on Friday, November 2nd at Lambert Place. 

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