flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Sweet Sixteen: December 2012 Grads

Tagged as art direction, celebration, congratulations, copywriting, design, development, grads, image, interactive design, sweet sixteen, the Circus,

Yesterday was a sweet sixteen celebration of sorts. Not like one of those bad birthday parties you see on TV. And, no, it had nothing to do with sports. Yesterday we graduated 16 incredibly talented creatives here at The Circus, and, although we’re sad to see them go, we couldn’t be more excited to see where their next endeavors take them.

The Creative Circus December 2012 Graduates

Art Direction: Austin Ridling and Jordan Taler

Copywriting: Alex Behles, Aaron Hedrick, Michael Palma, Prerak Patel, and Britton Rice

Design: Theresa Bremer, Haley Clark, Patrick Fleming, Chauncey Harpel, Nate Hinners, Andrew Johnson, and Kristen Rogers

Image: Bob Wooley

Interactive Design & Development: Natalya Yampolsky


Congratulations, December 2012 grads!


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