flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

The Center Ring: 2013 Student Award Show

Tagged as addys, art direction, Best in Show, Carol Vick Bynum Theatre, Circus students, copywriting, creative circus, student show, The Center Ring,

The Center Ring | 2013 Student Show | The Creative Circus

At the ADDYs, Circus students proved to be some of the best once again. Now it’s time to compete with the best of the best. The 2013 Creative Circus Student Show takes place this Friday, March 1st. The Center Ring (as we’ve dubbed it) will award Circus students for their work in copywriting, art direction, design, photography and interactive design.

Who will leave with the gold? Who will be crowned Best in Show? All of these questions will be answered this Friday, March 1st in the Carol Vick Bynum Theatre.

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