flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

About Portfolio School

The Creative Circus mission is to graduate the best-prepared, most avidly sought-after creatives in the marketing communications industry. With all due respect to your Magna-cum-something status, the fact is, it won’t get you hired in the top creative departments. Portfolios do. Really good ones. Sure, there’s always an exception. That kid whose father knows someone. The talented freak of nature. But for everyone else, The Creative Circus is a great portfolio school to start and an even better place to finish. Because when you do, you’ll be well prepared to get hired at agencies, and more importantly, excel there.



Conveniently located in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia our building is a colorful converted warehouse. Our four dedicated computer labs are equipped with over sixty 27″ iMacs equipped with Adobe Creative Cloud, Cinema 4D,  and handful of other creative software. Our photography/videography studios include a large daylight studio, a large dark studio, a cyclorama wall, and green screens. We are a dog friendly environment. We have a small library well stocked with industry publications. In addition to the two gallery exhibit areas, most of the wall space in the school is used to showcase student work.




The Creative Circus is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education (COE). COE is a national accrediting agency.

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