flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Programs of Study

The Creative Circus offers training and career preparation in Art Direction, Copywriting, Graphic Design, Creative Technology, and Content Creation. This training enables our graduates to be recognized as some of the best-prepared new creatives in the industry. The Creative Circus relies on the expertise, dedication and goodwill of working professionals who teach here to achieve this lofty recognition. Our programs are dedicated to developing each student’s individual abilities to prepare him or her for the competitive work environment that follows graduation.

Art Direction

Art directors sweat all the details that most don’t think about. They live for concept and craft. It’s not just about making things look pretty – art directors must be strategic. Working hand-in-hand with copywriters, art directors brainstorm big ideas then go to work to bring them to life, whether through print, digital, outdoor, “made you look” non-traditional ideas and everything in between.
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Today’s copywriter needs to be a Jack or Jill of all things creative, and for just about every marketing medium that exists. What can you write that will inspire action? How can you say something unexpected and different? How would you say the above paragraph better? As a copywriter, it’s your job to figure that out. The good news: you have two years of practice ahead of you.
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Graphic Design

Graphic Designers do so much more than just making stuff look pretty. A Graphic Designer’s real job is to put strategic and conceptual thought, contemporary and historical research, and artistic and technical skill together to solve a design problem. And when it all comes together, it’ll drop jaws in amazement.
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Creative Technology

Creative Technologists are the secret wizards that make our digital world turn. Digital advertising, marketing, websites, games, apps– anywhere that technology enables creative, exciting, enticing digital experiences, Creative Technologists are there, putting it together. That means a Creative Technologist needs to be part creative artist, part computer geek, part marketing strategist. 
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Creative Circus photographers & content creators bring a lot more to the creative table than their DSLR cameras. To succeed creatively you must seek passionately, measure accurately, engage completely and practice daily. Today’s commercial photographer is actually more producer than shooter. They plan, gather and direct the process of making images, either working alone or with others. Content Creators produce compelling content that takes viewers on a journey. Content Creation requires a mixture of right-brained and left-brained activities — in other words, you’ll need to be organized and creative, analytical and associative, disciplined and diverse.
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