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Jennifer Causey Captures Makers in the Making

Tagged as book, Brooklyn Makers, craft, creative circus, grad, graduate, Jennifer Causey, makers, photography, portfolio, The Creative Circus, The Makers' Project,

Jennifer Causey, Photographer, Creator of The Makers' ProjectIn 2001, Jennifer Causey became a graduate of The Creative Circus with an incredible photography portfolio.

Then 2010 comes about, and Causey sets out on a photographic journey to document the way people do what they do best. “The Makers’ Project” began as a photo project “exploring makers in their spaces, and it’s grown to be a collection that’s so appealing to the viewer and reader one would find it difficult not to get wrapped up in the aesthetically pleasing photography that tells the visual stories of these makers.

What describes a “maker”? From clothing designers to bakers, jewelers to florists, the makers featured are the modern day craftsmen, and Causey has done an incredible job of documenting the detail and discipline each artistan applies to their work.

Fast forward two years, and Brooklyn Makers: Food, Design, Craft, and Other Scenes from a Tactile Life  comes to fruition. This book features interviews and myriad photos of makers hailing from the borough this Circus grad now calls home.

Purchase a copy of Brooklyn Makers and visit The Makers’ Project as Jennifer continually adds additional makers to this group.

photo courtesy of Jennifer Causey
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