flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

We’ll be seeing you…

Tagged as graduation, The Creative Circus,

The Creative Circus summer 2011 graduating class was not only an exceptionally large class…they were an exceptionally and undeniably talented and supportive group as well. In fact, they were the first class at the Circus that took the initiative to create their very own Creative Circus yearbook, highlighting their adventures, their work, their advice for new students, and their memories over their two years. Pioneers, if you will.

The Circus graduation ceremony is a time that is truly for and about the grads–how they’ve grown, what they’ve experienced, and what work makes them proud. Of course, we’re always sad to see every class graduate, yet at the same time, we couldn’t be more excited for where each Circus grad is headed. And we can’t wait to see what wonderfully, cosmically phenomenal work they’ll create.

This video can also be viewed on our youtube channel here.

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