flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Canned Food Drive Digital Poster Contest

Tagged as Canned Food Drive, Charity, Contest, creative circus, facebook, The Creative Circus,

We are excited to announce a contest to create a poster for the upcoming Canned Food Drive starting November 1st. All students are invited to submit a digital poster asking the community to bring non-perishable items to The Creative Circus between November 1st and November 18th. The Creative Circus celebrates this season of giving by showing our students their potential value to charities worldwide. Let’s get some cans!

We’re distributing this poster electronically to save trees and open the door for a little digital creativity. Donations will be given to Atlanta Community Food Bank to fight hunger in our community. We ask that you include our address and the dates. The rest is up to you. 

The top five contributions will be presented for voting via Facebook on October 25th. Our winner will be awarded $50. Contest submissions should be sent to contest@creativecircus.edu by October 22nd.

Let the creativity commence!

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