flashing student work gif, goes behind the mask of the loading animation

Young Glory

Tagged as creative circus, young glory,

Young Glory is the only worldwide competition to reward creative consistency. It is also your chance to get work in front of a big industry name every month.

8 months. 8 briefs. Each month, between October and May, a different industry leader sets and judges his/her own brief. Participants have one month to respond to each brief.

Congratulations to Courtney Bante, Noah Blinder, and David Harper for making the Student Shortlist in round 3 of the Young Glory awards! You can view all the winners here.

Round 4 is now live as well for anyone who wants to participate. Gav Gordon-Rogers, the Interactive CD from W+K is judging. The brief is for Wikipedia, and you can find it here.

The deadline is January 31, 2012.

Good luck!

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